Returns the position of a string of text within another string.


FIND(findtext, texttosearch, startposition)
returns the character position of the first occurrence of findtext within texttosearch.
startposition (optional) is the position from which the search starts.
The search is case-sensitive. For case-insensitive search, see SEARCH().
The search will not use regular expressions. For searching with regular expressions, see SEARCH().
A failed search gives the #VALUE! error.


FIND("yo", "Yoyo")
returns 3. The search is case-sensitive.
FIND("cho", "choochoo"; 2)
returns 5.
FIND("xyz", "abcdef", 1)
returns #VALUE!.
NOTE: This is an error condition, which must be 'handled' if used as the argument to another function.
IF( FIND("xyz", "abcdef", 1) , "Substring Present", "ERR: Missing Substring" )
returns #VALUE! which is not very useful, therefore we could use either ISERROR() or ISNUMBER() for example:
IF( ISERROR( FIND("xyz", "abcdef", 1) ) , "ERR: Missing Substring", "Substring Present" ).
returns "ERR: Missing Substring" ... allowing the IF() to function, and not propagating the error from the FIND() function.
IF( ISNUMBER( FIND("xyz", "abcdef", 1) ) , "Substring Present", "ERR: Missing Substring" ).
returns "ERR: Missing Substring" ... allowing the IF() to function, and not propagating the error from the FIND() function.

NOTE: In practice, it may be more maintainable to use ISNUMBER() to avoid negative logic, and it is more indicative of the evaluation desired: if the substring has a position, then ISNUMBER() is TRUE, else ISNUMBER() is FALSE.

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